Можем да загубим такъв приятел по плашещо много причини. Да, случвало се е дори само защото сме се запознали с някой нов човек, който на пръв поглед може да ни донесе дори повече мъдрост - или щастие, или опит, или познание за самите нас, или каквото и да е. Понякога сме способни да си сменим приоритетните хора дори само от скука, мамка му!
As I said ages ago, arguing with another of my betters: So, what happens to me is primary, what happens to you and the characters of a book, is secondary. I am the original, you are copies. I am the center of the universe, you are marginal. I am a creator, you are just creation material. Solipsism is nothing but a pose, as a say in the same post. Others are a perfectly legitimate source of knowledge about ourselves. One of my favorite dilemmas when thinking about people is: are we attracted by sameness or by difference in others? Personally, I think I am attracted by the latter. So when the 'originals' become yet more different, I am not troubled. The reality of originals is, of course, highly debatable;)
So, what prompted this post, apart from the other post, is that I met with an old friend I see very, very rarely. Maybe once a year. He's one of the few people I like because of the similarities to me. He's one of those people with whom I feel timeless, as if no time passes between our infrequent meetings. We had a drink together, we talked, we laughed, we looked into each other's eyes and I kinda felt I make him a better person. He does this to me, for sure. For him, I am ready to give up a few hours of the GW Factions weekend. For him I am a very special person.
And here comes the inevitable poem:D
Some Very Special People
I want to thank you, Lord, for some special people that I love,
Special people who love me just because I'm me,
People who believe that I'm important, as I am,
People who can stand me even when I'm sour and disgusting.
People who listen when I spit out my feelings,
People who wait when I cannot find the words,
People who shake me when my spirit falls asleep.
For all those very special people
I want to shout
And shout and shout with thanks.
Those are the people, one today, one tomorrow,
Who look for that part of me that's me,
Who groan with me until that part of me is free,
Who will love whatever is left of me when the day is over.
For all those very special people
I want to sing
and sing and sing with love.
For ones like that, Lord, mean more to me
than anything on earth, and sometimes even more than you.
For only through someone like that do I believe that
you are really true.
For when someone like that
accepts me in my sorry little mess,
Then so do you, my Lord,
Then so do you...
Norman Habel
благодаря за този пост :)
а с икю явно мислим еднакво, съдейки по почернения текст :D
това "Досейди" е прекрасен пример за отвратителна книга с огромно въздействие (други в раздела: поредицата за Не-А на Ван Вогт)
Всъщност той е почернен от мен:) Даже го преведох на английски. За да тръгна да превеждам нещо в свободното си време, значи, съм _много_ впечатлена.
Не съм съгласна основно с втория абзац, заради апотеоза на индивидуализма, граничещ със солипсизъм. Аз имам един особен вид несъгласие, в случай че не си забелязала, а именно - страстно желание нещо, което звучи много правдоподобно, да не е вярно;) Произволен пример - фройдистката теория.
Иначе ще проверя тия въздействащите някой ден, мерси за препоръката.
няма защо :) отвратителни са
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