Dec 6, 2006

Gently Bleeding

Just a quick update on the latest albums I'm into, for those afraid to check my ethnic (and epic) page;)

For some quasi-religious progressive metal: Evergrey - The Inner Circle
For some symphonic a.k.a. neo-classical metal: Adagio - Underworld
For some awesome death progressive metal: Dark Suns - Existence (beauty inside).

Tags? Labels? Give me a break. I am so fascinated by the last band (tnx Dred) that I am almost reluctant to listen to their first album, for fear of (death) disappointment. He labeled them 'Anathema meets Opeth', but they are also similar to Riverside, Pain of Salvation, and Green Carnation - all great bands I love. Music is best, anyone?

In other news, apart from a character in one of my favorite movies ever, Broken Sword happens to be a domestic situation. I threw a tantrum at the mess in kids' room, hit the desk with Rada's sword and broke it. My little girl cried for 15 minutes, and my little boy offered her his sword. Then I apologized, once again coming to terms with the theology of pain, anger, and hatred. Their 'function' is to open the door to healing, generosity and forgiveness.

An EICTE moment with a character who has just learned 'everything'.

"Да знаеш, че всички неща във вселената - всичко в историята, в науката, в поезията, изкуствата и музиката, всички хора, всички места, предмети, идеи - са свързани помежду си, е едно. Да изпиташ тази връзка, пък било и повърхностно - съвсем друго.

Харман остана в безсъзнание през по-голямата част от следващите девет дни. Идваше на себе си само за кратко и крещеше от ужасното главоболие, което далеч надхвърляше издръжливостта на черепа и мозъка му. Повръщаше много, след което отново изпадаше в кома."

Dan Simmons - Olympos

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