Oct 19, 2006

Early Nineties Revisited

A poem to be read
not from the most obvious beginning
the poet
missed the pain.

Did you ever,
ever dream
that I'm the one?
Did you ever see
that you're the man
whose fingerprints
match mine
to form a picture
which is 'very good'?

You are the one
who dreams, like Daniel,
of things to come.
(And I can never
hope to reach them
with my heap of words.)
You are the one
who laughs as if
the origins of Earth
were 'very good'.
(And I can only hope
to try to smile.)
You are the one
who prays for music
and loves the longest cuts.
(And I'm so in a hurry
to arrive sooner
at the Place of Silence.)
You add fervour
and radiance
where I
fail to notice
the faintest glow
in This World.

May 30th, 1994

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