Jul 30, 2005

Skyward Reach

Sofialand amusement park is good for kids, once or twice a year. This is a promise:)

Tons of work weighing on my shoulders, and masses of food in my belly. I am a hungry devourer most of the time and I dread the prospect of going to the beach. I succumb to the societal pressure of looking slim, and hating myself for being fat. Believe it or not, there are men out there who prefer plump women! I have talked to two of them in the past few weeks, and they seem pretty truthful about it. Still, I need to stop eating and start exercising again.

I stopped smoking for about a week, and then relapsed. Reason being, I don't play GW because I have too much work: 8 hours in the office of an aforementioned institution, plus a few more when I get back home - after I put kids to bed of course - I need to catch up with work I did not do because of playing GW. As if this is not enough, I have some friends over at my place, and I want to/have to/need to spend time with them. Ah yes, I was foolish and greedy enough to accept another project due 3 days after my departure date. Failed to see the link between smoking and the above? Addictions stack, and are better removed one at a time;) Anyway, 3 missions from the end of PvE part of the game, I pause. Iron will is my middle name;) Oh yeah, I played with my healer and my elementalist quite a lot:> But this doesn't count. Right?

This can easily be my last posting for a long time to come because I'm going to, er.. vacation. Time away from my PC. Beach. Cocktails. Er. Parents (my own parents!). Quick drive to a mountain town to celebrate a friend's birthday. Almost a month without playing, working, watering the plants in my apartment, and... I can't think of any other reason to stay in Sofia in August.
Wish me luck and get in touch ffs!

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