Oct 18, 2004

Some things are fun only the first time;)

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

Starting with a cliche, I promise to keep them to a minimum, although cliches are a nice way to relate to the rest of the community. Be too original, and your audience shrinks.

In this blog, I plan to train as a columnist, writing on various topics of interest. Here's a non-cliched definition of 'topic of interest'.

Pieces of the macrocosm that accidentally or intentionally collide with pieces of the microcosm.

OK, here are some of my current interests:

  • online communities (yeah! this is the world we live in)
  • reading texts (60% still on hardcopy)
  • the music realm (ranging from progressive rock through classical piano to chillout), watch this space
  • SIRI (Sources, Images, References, Influences) - my newly-coined acronym for what some call 'cultural studies'.
  • parenting (two kids, aged 5 and 1 1/2)
  • God (yes, low priority, sorry God)
  • sports (rock climbing in particular, planning to paraglide some time when I have time)
  • kindness, truth and beauty (aka, ethics and philosophy)

WHOM MAY IT CONCERN? Or, who are the implied readers?
A small part of the world population who:

  • have access to the internet
  • can read English
  • have interests at least marginally overlapping with mine
  • know hazel offline
  • like, or are, nuts
  • my kids in 10-15 years' time, if blogs are still in fashion

But the number one addressee is of course, myself;)

I usually work a lot, but I fear I'll post regularly, as I tend to distract easily, and writing is one of my favorite distractions. So, cower!:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations with your discovery of a new form of obsession :)

I wonder for how long you will remain your number 1 addressee... Doesn't happen very easy, once you get an audience with all its expectations and all those comments you just love :)

Cheers :) Eo.