Sep 15, 2005

Another Brick in the Wall

My daughter started preparatory class today. There are two options for the compulsory preparatory year: one is to continue for a fourth year in the daycare center, where there are way too many kids, the other is to go on to a real formal school. I chose the second option, although it's only half-day, which makes it harder for me, as I need to pick her up at noon. Still, I thought it is better preparation for school, and, besides, she can start piano lessons now. We don't have a piano, but this can be corrected, and one day her brother can play the piano, too. Music is a great way to live your life and I think my children agree with me on this. Moreover, unlike me, they are musically gifted. They both have beautiful voices and make a wonderful duet, especially when they sing Rammstein's Reise Reise;)

I can't believe
that my little girl has grown so fast. I can almost see her graduation, I'll shed the same tears I shed on the first day of school. Memories of my own childhood refuse to come, future is so much more prominent when you are preoccupied with the present. Will I live to see you at 18, Rada?

My prayer for a good teacher seems to be answered. She is kind, experienced, and seems to like children. With luck, she will continue teaching the group next year, actually for the next 5 years. There is a Roma boy in the group, who looks sweet and bright. I rely on him to lay a stable foundation for Rada's future opinion of minority integration;) Hopefully, my stereotyped and, occasionally, racist opinions won't get in the way.

I have started talking about the future, again. The present is so loaded with events, meanings and emotions, that right now it's impossible to focus and write. I even thought about a poem, which is not a good sign altogether. I have a couple of days to myself only, and as usual, it is a time for reflection on what exactly I am doing with my (life)time. It turned out that I make the best possible use of my days because I do all the things I would do, if I were retired. I'm having the time of my life. Well, almost:)

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