When I'm quiet
and solid as the ground
Then I talk
the low tones of thunder
for everyone
and solid as the ground
Then I talk
the low tones of thunder
for everyone
"Low tones of thunder" би могло да е заглавието на първата ми книга, която още не съм довършила.
Започвала съм я няколко пъти, на български и на английски, но винаги спирам, защото думите не успяват да изразят всичко, което трябва да кажа. Но усещането, че трябва да кажеш нещо, може би е истински правилната мотивация да решиш да напишеш книга, защото осъзнаваш много ясно, че съществува по-висша сила, която те тласка в неизбродими посоки, че пътуването ти не бива да остане единствено за теб и че има причина всичко да се е случило така, както се е случило.
Днес по някаква причина (!) се рових в архива на блога и намерих следния коментар от 2007 г.:
Please don't stop writing. I can't pretend I understand a nail-full of
what your life is like, and I'm certain it is a tough, though rewarding,
job to get done, and I do see how one can feel under the weather, but,
to re-cite a popular hallmark classic, it's just winter. And winter
passes. After all all wardrobes are just magical doors to other worlds,
so, hinge or no hinge, you can still hide inside.
I'm not very good at giving comfort, much more proficient in receiving it, but I think you'll get me. You've walked this far, and we all know you'll walk the rest, why not try to enjoy it, since you're gonna have to pull it off anyway.
On a little more selfish note - you truly ARE inspirational. I've been re-reading your posts ever since I stumbled upon your blog (not that long ago), and I honestly envy you for what you have and what you are - it's pretty fairy-taleish if you look it from a different angle, you and your children (who are marvelous, by the way) against the bitter cruel chauvinistic world... Got a bit carried away here, but my point is that we, I, need to read you (that sounds a little creepy, sorry if you think I'm stalking you), need to live through the things you do, because it reminds us, me that you don't have to be humongous to be great and that little daily earthquakes are actually not as disastrous as they seem at first. And that's a priceless lesson to teach.
I'm not very good at giving comfort, much more proficient in receiving it, but I think you'll get me. You've walked this far, and we all know you'll walk the rest, why not try to enjoy it, since you're gonna have to pull it off anyway.
On a little more selfish note - you truly ARE inspirational. I've been re-reading your posts ever since I stumbled upon your blog (not that long ago), and I honestly envy you for what you have and what you are - it's pretty fairy-taleish if you look it from a different angle, you and your children (who are marvelous, by the way) against the bitter cruel chauvinistic world... Got a bit carried away here, but my point is that we, I, need to read you (that sounds a little creepy, sorry if you think I'm stalking you), need to live through the things you do, because it reminds us, me that you don't have to be humongous to be great and that little daily earthquakes are actually not as disastrous as they seem at first. And that's a priceless lesson to teach.
Самата аз не знаех дали ще успея да извървя остатъка от пътя, но army of a boy е знаел и съм му много благодарна, макар че всъщност не се познаваме. Ще напиша книгата заради него и други като него, които идваха тук и четяха разказа за оцеляването ми след счупване. (Вероятно всеки читател с повече от две функциониращи мозъчни клетки е бил наясно, че съм била счупена, но аз не писах с тази мисъл. Писах, сякаш отглеждах цветя, които вървяха добре, но после спрях да ги поливам и да им говоря – здравей, Шаямалан! - и те умряха.) Сега, почти десет години след началото на блога, вече мога да кажа, че наистина бях счупена. През 2002 година се промених много и вече е време да разкажа за ударите на длетото, които ужким направиха от мен скулптура-шедьовър. Мога да разкажа за счупването, което доведе до множеството парченца в калейдоскопа hazelnutsbg.
Growing old precedes the assault of wrinkles and gray hairs. It is an
accumulation of aches and pains, rooted in small joys and sprouting
sorrows. It is the stamp of time upon our skins and souls, the body art
of the fourth dimension.
Нито за момент не съм твърдяла, че книгата ще е хубава, само казах, че ще я напиша:)